October 23, 2023, is the last hatch for Blue (BBS) Ameraucanas. All hatch dates after will be blue only. Black and Splash Ameraucanas will be offered as a separate product.
The Ameraucana breed of chicken was developed here in the United States in the 1970s. The breed’s most striking features are their slate or black legs and the fact that they lay blue-tinted eggs. Ameraucanas always have both beards and muffs. Their pea comb makes them a great bird for colder climates. They have a quiet and calm personality and will be sure to attract attention to your flock. You can expect 4-6 blue or green eggs per week from these hens. According to the Ameraucana Breeders Club (ABC) color chart, Ameraucanas can lay shades of green. While it is not desired, a green egg does not indicate that they are not pure Ameraucanas. Read more about the Ameraucana Chicken on our Breed Spotlight over on the Meyer Hatchery Blog.
Ameraucana Chickens are not to be confused with Easter Eggers as they are a pure breed. They are also sometimes confused with Araucanas, which are rumpless and have tufts.
The color blue does not breed true. The chicks hatched from blue parents can be blue, black, or splash. You will receive hatchery choice colors when ordering. Read more about blue genetics in our Help Desk Article.
Average Mature Weight: Rooster 6 1/2 lbs., Hens 5 1/2 lbs.