Broad Breasted Turkeys are the go-to meat breed for turkey production. At Meyer Hatchery, we offer both Broad Breasted White and Broad Breasted Bronze varieties, renowned as the giants of their kind. New for the 2023 hatching season, we’re excited to introduce the Meyer Hatchery Signature Turkeys, which are also broad-breasted. These turkeys grow a bit more slowly and finish at a lighter weight, making them an ideal choice for families seeking a smaller bird for holiday meals. All four broad-breasted varieties are excellent choices and are 4-H eligible.
Broad Breasted Turkeys have a shipping minimum of 8 from December 1 until the end of March. From April 1 until the end of November, we can ship as few as 3. We are not able to combine day-old broad-breasted turkey poults with any other poultry types. Broad Breasted Turkey Poults will ship on Mondays or Tuesdays, USPS priority mail, and arrive 1-3 days later. View full shipping details. Broad-Breasted Turkey Poults are also available for pickup.