Quantity | Price per item | Discount |
6 items | $6.04 | 2% off |
16 items | $5.81 | 6% off |
26 items | $5.54 | 11% off |
Want to have a basket full of beautiful colored eggs for yourself or your customers? The colorful assortment is a great, economical choice for adding some color to your brown and white egg basket. The egg colors from these chicks can range from light blue to sage green to shades of olive. Please note that some of our colorful layers have the chance of laying tan, so that is also a possibility in this assortment. When ordering 10 or more chicks, we will send a minimum of three (3) different types of colorful egg layers that we offer; this could include hybrids or standard breeds; no bantam varieties will be included. Different color varieties of the same breed will count as separate varieties. This assortment does not guarantee different colors of eggs, ie you may receive three blue egg layers. If you want a specific breed, please be sure to add it to your order separately, as this assortment is hatchery choice only.
When ordering an assortment from Meyer Hatchery, the best part is identifying your new chicks. This is not a service Meyer is able to provide, so to assist in this, we have created a chick identification tool that will help you identify your chicks. If you are unable to identify your chicks right away, wait until they start to get their feathers and identifying features.
This assortment is standard-size breeds only; no bantams will be included.