IMPORTANT ORDERING INFORMATION: Crested Pigeon Juvenile Pairs are shipped on Wednesdays, USPS Priority Mail Express, and will typically arrive in 1-2 days at your local post office. Birds are DNA-sexed. Juvenile and adult pigeons are not available for pickup. Wings can be clipped upon request.
The Crested Pigeon, also known as the Australian Crested Doves (Ocyphaps Lophotes), are native to Australia and are found most often in lightly wooded grasslands where water is present. They are known for the distinct whistling sounds that their wings make when they take off and are a social bird that can be quite animated when interacting with people. They live in small flocks and are most active near dawn and dusk. Overall, they are a fairly quiet and mellow species and don’t mind sharing the aviary with other birds.
Crested Pigeons should have a spacious and planted aviary. They are a very hardy breed and can be a great choice for novice and experienced pigeon raisers alike. They can be sensitive to cold, so it is recommended to have a draft-free loft available for places with colder winters. They spend a considerable amount of time on the ground, foraging for seeds, that make up the majority of their diet, as well as some plants and insects; because of this, their aviary should have ample ground space for them to be able to walk around. In addition to ample ground space, they need a place to bathe and perches that are spaced widely enough apart so that they are able to fly freely. As with many species of birds, grit should be provided freely to aid in digestion.
Crested Pigeons can live up to 25 years. Males and females are similar in appearance, having grey bodies with brown and green, or black and bronze striping on their wings; immature birds are duller in color than their older counterparts. They are appropriately named for the long feathers atop their heads that stick straight up, resembling a mohawk. They have black bills, rose-colored legs, and eyes ranging in color from red to yellow-orange. They are a bit larger than the common Ring-Necked Dove and can weigh between 120-230 grams and measure between 12-13.5 inches in length.
Mature birds can breed year-round, but prefer the warmer months (September through March in their native Australia). In addition to their normal diet, they do need calcium supplemented during breeding season. They build delicate nests of twigs above the ground in trees or dense shrubs. Clutches of 2 eggs incubate for 17-21 days, and the young that stay in the nest for an additional 21 days are both cared for by males as well as females.