Frost White Legbars also known as White Sport Cream Legbars are one of the most highly desired and extremely rare breeds of chicken. Meyer Hatchery has been developing their own line for years and is excited to now be able to offer these to backyard flock owners everywhere. The Frost White Legbars have all-white feathers. The white feather coloring is a recessive trait occasionally thrown by Cream Legbars. Frost White Legbars were created by selective breeding of the white only Cream Legbars and will breed true. Frost White Legbars may be crested, have a floppy comb, and yellow legs. White Sport Cream Legbars are not a recognized coloring in the USA but are in England.
Legbars are talkative, inquisitive, and excellent at foraging. Males are protective of their hens. Legbars make great pets with their lovable and fun personalities. They are productive and lay varying shades of beautiful sky blue eggs, typically around 4-6 per week.
Average Mature Weight: Roosters 6 lbs, Hens 5 lbs.