AmproMed P 9.6% oral solution contains amprolium for the treatment of coccidiosis in laying hens, turkeys, and chickens. When coccidiosis is diagnosed, administer a standard dose of 8-16 ounces of AmproMed P per 50 gallons of drinking water for 3-5 days. If improvement is noted in 3-5 days, continue with a reduced mixture of 4 ounces per 50 gallons of drinking water for 1-2 weeks. If no improvement is made at 3-5 days, confirm the diagnosis and follow the instructions of your poultry pathologist or veterinarian. Use as the sole source for amprolium and do not offer an additional drinking water source during treatment. For complete dosage recommendations, refer to the product label. FDA approved. No withdrawal period. One gallon will treat 800 gallons of drinking water.
Active Ingredient: Amprolium 9.6%
Restricted Drug (California) -- Use Only as Directed