Skip the brooder and get a jump on egg laying with our Hatchery Choice Rainbow Started Pullets. This started pullet option includes some of our best sellers including Welsummer, Splash Marans, Light Brahma, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Mottled Ancona, Rhode Island Red, Blue (BBS) Andalusian, Black Copper Marans, Easter Egger, Golden Buff, White Leghorn, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, and the homestead staple and Karen Meyer's personal favorite, the Barred Plymouth Rock. Our Hatchery Choice Rainbow Started Pullet does not guarantee a variety of chicken breeds but we do aim to include 2 or more breeds.
Started pullets are available for either pick up or can be shipped. If picking up, don’t forget to bring a box or crate to transport your new pullets home on your assigned pick-up day. Started Pullets are shipped USPS Priority Mail Express in an approved shipping container and includes prepared gro-gel to keep your birds hydrated while in transit.
These younger Started Pullets have a modified vaccination schedule (Bursal, Salmonella, Laryngotracheitis, Fowl Pox, Encephalomyelitis), are NOT beak trimmed, are floor raised, and are treated for intestinal worms.
Due to conditions beyond our control: such as feed quality, environment, or lighting, we are unable to guarantee the production rate and/or start of production of these birds.