Quantity | Price per item | Discount |
6 items | $4.72 | 2% off |
16 items | $4.47 | 8% off |
26 items | $4.26 | 12% off |
50 items | $4.04 | 17% off |
100 items | $3.84 | 21% off |
Leghorn Chickens are known for their dependable production of white eggs. They are active birds and the hens rarely want to sit on their eggs. You can expect an average of 4-6 white eggs per week from these hens and because they are active and great foragers, they are a great choice for an organic free-range chicken farm.
The single combed Light Brown Leghorns we offer are a showy alternative to the White Leghorns kept on commercial flocks. These roosters' heads are orange-red, shading to golden yellow toward the shoulders, and then deep, orange-red over their backs. Their tails, wings fronts and breasts are black. Hens are more brown with an orangish head and neck.
Average mature weight: Roosters 5 1/2 lbs., Hens 4 1/2 lbs.