IMPORTANT ORDERING INFORMATION: Pheasants are shipped on Wednesdays, USPS Priority Mail Express, and will typically arrive in 1-2 days at your local post office. Exotics are not available for pickup.
Temminck's Tragopans have their origins in the forested regions of the Eastern Himalayas, Southern Tibet, India, and Myanmar (Burma), and are considered to be one of the most beautiful pheasants in the world! These birds are one of the most popular and widely kept pheasants in North America. Their distinctive looks and magnificent coloring make them a true show piece. Males will have an orange to crimson coloring to their plumage, peppered with blue-grey dots on the fronts and white spots with black borders on their backs. The most striking feature to the males is their dynamic light blue skin on their faces, and on their bib-like wattles, you’ll notice darker blue to violet patterns over the blue skin. The crowns and necks are primarily black in color. They also have two horn-like, fleshy projections on the top of their heads and a short bill. The females will have a gray to brown coloring with blackish spots to the plumage. Adult males will have an average body length of 25 inches, with the females being slightly smaller.
Temminck's Tragopans will spend most of their time scratching the ground for their diet which consists mainly of seeds, berries, mosses, greens, flowers, leaves, and insects. You will want to provide them with a standard game bird feed and a fresh supply of drinking water. They will nest in trees, so it’s important that your aviary has abundant trees and shrubbery for them.
Temminck's Tragopans have a breeding season that begins in March and only goes for a month or two. During this time the males will display for the females by inflating their brightly colored wattles, the two horns on their heads, and fanning out their tail feathers while dancing. Nests are built low in the trees with females laying clutches of 2-5 eggs. The incubation period lasts for approximately 26-29 days, with the young cared for only by the female. The young develop quite quickly and are able to fly in just a few days. The young will, however, stay with the female for up to 6 weeks, until they are able to care for themselves completely. These birds reach maturity and are ready for breeding by their second year of age.
Temminck's Tragopans are great for beginners as they are quite calm, tame, and docile, and easily adapt to a large aviary setting. Their impressive and unique appearance and easy-going attitude make this breed the star of your flock!