This chick will come leg banded for easy identification. Remove leg band within 7 days.
The Ayam Cemani is an all-black chicken that originates in Indonesia. In fact, Ayam is the Indonesian word for chicken. Some believe that this breed has healing or magical properties. This chicken has a black tongue, legs, comb, internal organs, and meat. Its black feathers have a beautiful metallic sheen that may look green or purple. This bird's all-black coloring is due to a genetic mutation known as either hyperpigmentation or fibromelanosis—which peaks between 1 and 3 years of age. Please be aware that the distribution of black pigmentation is not guaranteed in any offspring because the breed, not yet recognized by the APA, can revert to the genetics of one of its relatives, such as the Ayam Kedu, which has red combs and wattles. Meyer Hatchery cannot guarantee that chicks will remain solid black or without leakage. Meyer Hatchery's Ayam Cemani breeder flock consists of 2 fibro-gene chickens.
Would you expect black eggs from an all-black chicken? Surprisingly, the eggs will NOT be black. You can expect cream or tinted eggs from these black hens, which will start to lay at around 5 to 6 months of age. The average rate of lay is two eggs per week.
The birds are muscular and moderate in size. Most males weigh about 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 pounds, with females weighing about 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds. While some people eat the dark meat of the Ayam Cemani, it typically is kept to be an ornamental breed. Broodiness and mothering skills will vary.