Lavender Orpington Chickens are a true beauty and rarity. Lavender, also known as “self-blue” are not like your typical blue chickens. Lavender Orpingtons will breed true and all of the offspring will be the Lavender color. Orpingtons are large and fluffy clean legged chickens. They are super docile and great with children, making them one of the best options for your backyard family flock. They lay 4-6 lightly tinted, almost pink eggs each week. Meyer Hatchery's Lavender Orpingtons are the American strain.
Orpington Chickens were developed by William Cook in the 1800s and named after his hometown, Orpington, England. The Lavender Orpington Chickens are considered a sustainable heritage breed. Read more about the Orpington Chicken on our Breed Spotlight over on the Meyer Hatchery Blog.
Average mature weight: roosters 10 lbs., hens 8 lbs.