IMPORTANT ORDERING INFORMATION: Exotic ducks are shipped on Wednesdays, USPS Priority Mail Express, and will typically arrive in 1-2 days at your local post office. Exotic ducks are not available for pickup. Shipping cost is $50.00 per pair. Duck wings can be pinioned, clipped or flying.
Redhead Ducks, Aaythya americana, are a exotic, diving-type duck species that originated in the eastern United States, although they can be found in smaller numbers throughout the US. Redhead ducks can do well in a mixed flock of similar-sized ducks. Redheads are commonly mistaken for Canvasback ducks but are smaller than Canvasbacks.
Redhead ducks prefer to nest near shallow water in dense vegetation, building their nests using bullrushes and grasses, potholes in prairies, and sometimes even building them directly over the water. Nest boxes for captive birds should be deep. Provide the females with plenty of fresh straw or dried grasses with which to build her nest. The average clutch size is 9-11 dull white to pale olive colored eggs, although it is difficult to determine exact clutch size. The Redhead female is notorious for “parasitizing” other species’ nests; she will lay her eggs in other ducks’ nests and let them do the rearing.
An distinguishing feature of the Redhead Duck male is that the males feather color will change during breeding season. They will have a copper head and neck with a black breast. Non breeding males will have a brown head instead.
The Redhead duck diet consists primarily of all parts of aquatic plants. Occasionally they will also eat small mollusks but will rarely eat fish.