IMPORTANT ORDERING INFORMATION: Exotic ducks are shipped on Wednesdays, USPS Priority Mail Express, and will typically arrive in 1-2 days at your local post office. Exotic ducks are not available for pickup. Shipping costs are $50.00 per pair. Duck wings can be pinioned, clipped or flying.
Common Shelducks are a colorful species of shelduck that is very rare in the United States. Native to Europe and Asia, these birds prefer tropical and subtropical climates. Shelducks are considered an intermediary between geese and ducks and are semiterrestrial, meaning they enjoy both land and water.
Shelducks eat larva, insects, and small fish, as well as aquatic plants and invertebrates. You will also need to supplement with a quality waterfowl feed.
Breeding season for Common Shelducks typically lasts from April to June. Shelducks can pair off, or they can breed in groups. Females are sexually mature at 2 years of age, males around 4-5 years. Females will make nests in ground depressions close to the water, or in hollows of trees, and will often reuse a nest from a previous year. She will lay 8 to 10 creamy white eggs, which will hatch in about 30 days.
Male and female Common Shelducks look nearly the same. Males are larger and also have a large knob on their bill. Males typically weigh around 3.25 pounds, females around 1.75 pounds, and overall length of both males and females range from 20 to 24 inches. Common Shelducks can live up to 20 years.