IMPORTANT ORDERING DETAILS: Goslings have a minimum of 2 and you are able to mix and match among goose breeds to meet this minimum. Ducks and Geese can be shipped together, but each have their own minimum that must be respected. Waterfowl will ship Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, USPS Priority Mail, and arrive 1-3 days later. Waterfowl are not able to be picked up as they are sent from our hatching partner.
This dual-purpose breed originated in Southeastern Europe and was named after Sebastopol, a Russian city from which they were imported to the USA. Sebastopol's are descendants of the European Greylag Goose. Their wings, bodies, and tails are draped with elegant, soft quilled, curling feathers. Their intriguing feathers are certainly aesthetically pleasing to the eye but aren’t capable of insulating the goose as normal feathers would. Thus, nice draft-free quarters in cold weather would suit this breed well. Male and female Sebastopols have pure white feathers, orange bills, and feet, as well as blue eyes.
Juveniles of this breed may have black or gray. By 21 weeks of age, they should be fully feathered with white feathers.
Thank you to our Meyer Hatchery Brand Ambassador Amy | Maison de Mings for the lovely day-old Sebastapol Gosling photos!