Quantity | Price per item | Discount |
6 items | $10.24 | 3% off |
11 items | $9.46 | 10% off |
16 items | $9.24 | 12% off |
31 items | $9.04 | 14% off |
60 items | $8.82 | 16% off |
Meyer Hatchery’s Signature Broad Breasted Black Turkey poults will provide plenty of meat for the table but at more of a heritage size than your traditional Broad Breasted Turkeys. Their long black legs, rich black feathering, and varied coloring on their face and feet make them a unique addition to your flock.
While they are considered a Broad Breasted Turkey, the Signature Black Turkey is more compact, perfect for homesteaders and seasoned keepers alike. The smaller size of the Signature Black Turkeys makes them able to forage and thrive in a free-range setting, giving their meat a flavor similar to a heritage breed turkey. They may also be broody! This epicurean delight does not disappoint!
Meyer Hatchery's Signature Black Turkeys average 29 pounds for toms and 20 pounds for hens with an ideal processing time frame of 16-22 weeks. However, results will vary based on feeding programs, environment, flock health, growing densities, etc. Broad Breasted turkeys cannot naturally reproduce and should not be kept beyond their processing age for their own health and well-being.