IMPORTANT ORDERING DETAILS: Waterfowl have a minimum of 3 and you are able to mix and match among ducks and goose breeds to meet this minimum. Waterfowl will ship on Tuesday or Wednesday, USPS priority mail, and arrive 1-3 days later. Waterfowl are not able to be picked up as they are sent from our hatching partner.
The Fancy Goose Package includes the more fancy breeds of geese and is an economical way to add beautiful geese to your homestead. This assortment could include the following breeds: American Buff, Tufted Buff, Pilgrim, Classic Roman, Tufted Roman, Sebastopol, Toulouse, Buff Toulouse, French Toulouse, Large Dewlap, or Tufted Toulouse. It is hatchery choice on which breeds are sent and breeds are not marked. If you order at least 8, we will include at least three different breeds. If you order 16, we will include at least four different breeds.