IMPORTANT ORDERING DETAILS: Goslings have a minimum of 2 and you are able to mix and match among goose breeds to meet this minimum. Ducks and Geese can be shipped together, but each have their own minimum that must be respected. Waterfowl will ship Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, USPS Priority Mail, and arrive 1-3 days later. Waterfowl are not able to be picked up as they are sent from our hatching partner. Super African Goslings have a maximum of 2 per order.
Are you looking for geese that will act as guards for your farm? Super African Geese can make excellent alarms. This breed is larger and more vocal than the standard African. Feathering on the Super African is dark brown over the head and back, fading to gray on the undercarriage. The bill is black and the feet are orange. Because of its large size, the Super African may have lower fertility and is not a great layer, but can lay up to 20 or so white eggs each year.
Ganders weigh an average of 22 pounds and geese an average of 18 pounds.